Hyundai Sonata: Front Seat. Components and Components Location - Seat & Power Seat - Body (Interior and Exterior)Hyundai Sonata: Front Seat. Components and Components Location


1. Headrest
2. Seat back panel
3. Seat back frame
4. Seat back cover
5. Seat cushion cover
6. Shield cover
7. Seat cushion frame
8. Recliner center cover
9. Recliner cover

    Front Seat. Repair procedures
    Replaccement Seat Assembly Replacement 1. Remove the seat assembly mounting cover. 2. After loosening the seat assembly mounting bolts, rem ...

    See also:

    Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor (FTPS). Repair procedures
    Inspection 1. Connect the GDS on the Data Link Connector (DLC). 2. Measure the output voltage of the FTPS. Specifica ...

    Repair procedures
    Teaching Procedures 1. Key Teaching Procedure Key teaching must be done after replacing a defective PCM(ECM) or when providing additional keys to the vehicle owner ...

    Components and Components Location
    Component Location 1. Air breather hose 2. Oil level plug 3. Valve body assembly 4. Oil temperature sensor 5. Solenoid valve 6. Valve body cover 7. Inhibitor swit ...